Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

Stream of Thoughts #2

Months go by with no confess
Poets you sent such beauty in rhymes
I asked and asked to no one but I
If only I demand, these dice won't lie

Sincere you were but fake I was
Faithful you were but foolish I was
Truths I had, I see you weren't through
Such an ego, can't you see I always in the front row

So there you were still speaking in silence
Written in charm, should spoken in clearance
My dear, my love, always you in mind
Damn this old self for being so blind

I wait and wait, never had you come
Certain then I, you never aimed for love
In broken I accepted one else
The one I thought a knight to erase

Locked up and hurt
Banged and blood
The tears had fallen and blown
Hoped for his love my very own

Stood by him arrested by vow
Never could I ask for more
That evil heart burned me so slow
By nights I heard your voice too low

That man wasn't the one, I moaned
All I asked was someone for whom I'm Crescent Moon
Barely stand on feet to run
The vow to obey hid will to hunt

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