Jumat, 02 Januari 2009


Watching the drizzles as I stand in balcony
With stilettos on and black gown, I'm shimmering
Wondering around, should I get some pictures of me
Waiting here until you come and set me free

Always have I dreamed of this
A man appears with flowers wear tees
Again I smile, stay for the happy ending
At night like this everything seems complete

Classical tunes repeats clearly
Chopin dear, thank you, your music's lovely
Clapping is heart from deep in here
Cloudy sky doesn't disturb this joy of me

Smiling still, I move a bit
So long in stand, need chair to sit
Shall I call him in case he's asleep
Shall I just wait, he wouldn't belated

Black watch of mine, what's the time
Be here soon, wouldn't my man
Back I go, in with mime
Be patient, said I, denying disappointment

Dear mirror on the wall
Does this gorgeousness certainly fall
Do your best, convince me well
Dying to see him, it feels like hell

He will not come, the same as yesterday
Honesty I need not lies to say
Hear me now, sweet mirror of mine
Hurts so bad, I've lost my mind

Back I go step into the balcony
Blast off the stilettos I'll still go on shimmering
What to wonder, I'll still get pictures of me
Why should wait, I myself would set me free

Krisan Putih

Krisan Putih