Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

The Mess - A Short Story comes to an End

Dimas. How often have friends of mine heard of this name? A man of laughter and joy, of comfort and more. Have known him for almost three weeks by now – such a short time of knowing somebody thoroughly. It was always beautiful at the beginning but things turned out upside down when it comes to the end. I know I shouldn’t use the ‘end’ word for there never was a beginning of anything on both of us.

Still, I can’t lie how this man brought many things into my life within the last few weeks. He convinced me well, he taught me much. Now that I realize nothing lasts forever, I’m ever so glad to have prepared my own self on loosing those warmth and kindness since he changed into a dark cold man. Though he really meant to step out, he would have the honor on having his own corner here in heart and mind.

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