It's just another ordinary morning..
When I sit, sip my coffee and there are thoughts of things;
of these, of sheets, of counting, of you.
Just another ordinary morning..
While I sit, working on stuffs and remembering things;
of regrets, of the past, of life, of you.
Another ordinary morning..
I just sit, light my cigarette and listening things;
my mind, my heart, the songs, the voices, of you.
Ordinary morning..
of me sitting still, hold myself from questioning things;
on why, on where, on how, on you.
Morning, such a morning..
with such a rhyme, rhymes in moaning..
on I, on us, on you.
Kamis, 22 Januari 2009
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Arsip Blog
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1 komentar:
i think, your morning is extraordinary hehehe....
soal komen Diba, its somebody someone allrite, ceritanya begini : ak d kenal lama sm tu orang & g tau akunya yg terlalu PD ato bagemana, all this years i kept on thinking, hoping + trying that maybe we can be the best of friends... ak cuman pengen berteman aja & get to know them littl bit better. tp mungkin mreka g berpikiran sama yah ? & aku pikir kenapa jg aku buang2 waktu terus2an berusaha, so i think its THE perfect time 4me to just ...
let them go
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